Brian Garrison

Brian Garrison

Company: Senti Biosciences

Job title: Senior Director of Research


Panel: Re-evaluating Delivery Vehicle Mechanisms for Enhanced Safety & Efficiency 11:00 am

Evaluating the pros and cons of different delivery methods: engineered bacteria, LNP, viral vectors, HSV Assessing their safety profiles and impact on gene editing efficiency Highlighting the varying suitability of delivery technologies for improved specificity and reduced off-target effectsRead more

day: Conference Day One

Employing Logic Gating for Enhanced Specificity & Therapeutic Design 9:00 am

Harnessing logic gating to improve targeting and control in synthetic biology systems Understanding the uses of OR and AND gating for more specific therapeutic outcomes Optimizing the design and functionality of synthetic gene circuits using logic gatingRead more

day: Conference Day One

Industry Leader’s Panel: Identifying Target Markets & Applications for Synthetic Biology Therapies 8:30 am

Insights from industry leaders on last year’s progress and market opportunities Strategies for selecting the most promising therapeutic applications for synthetic biology Understanding patient needs and market demands for effective product developmentRead more

day: Conference Day One

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